Effect of Noise on
The Period-Doubling Transition to Chaos in The Stochastic Systems

In the first part, we will study effect of noise in the 1D map. In the second
part, we will study effect of noise on bicritical scaling behavior in the
unidirectionally coupled period doubling systems.
1.Stochastic 1D
1. 1. Generation
of the white noise. (Sep. 7).[ PPT ]
1. 2. Scaling
behaviors in the stochastic 1D map. (Sep. 14).[ PPT ]
1. 3.
Confirmation of the scaling behaviors in the stochastic 1D map. (Sep.
21).[ PPT ]
2. Effect of
Noise on Unidirectionally Coupled
2. 1.
Unidirectionally-coupled 1D Maps. (Sep. 28).[ PPT ]
2. 2. Numerical Algorithm for the
Integrating SDEs(include Euler Method).(Oct. 5).[ PPT ]
2. 3. Numerical Algorithm for the
Integrating SDEs(include 2nd order Runge Kutta Method).(Oct. 12).[ PPT ]
2. 4. Critical Scaling Behaviors
of the Unidirectional Coupled Maps.(Nov. 2).
[ PPT ]
2. 5. Critical Scaling Behavior
near the Critical Point in the Stochastic 1D map.(Nov. 9).
[ PPT ]
2. 6. Study of the Different Algorithms
for Poincare Map of Parametrically Forced Pendulum.(Nov. 16).
[ PPT ]
2. 7. Study of Stochastic 1D Map
near the Critical Point with the Varying Noise Strength.(Nov. 23).
[ PPT ]
2. 8. Study of Critical Scaling
Behavior in the Stochastic 1D Map with the Varying Noise Strength.(Nov. 30).
[ PPT ]